Sharing videos using the Share & Embed feature is very simple in VidMingo. For this, you just have to first upload the video using upload features. 

Steps to Use Embed Code to share your Video

Step 1: Open the VidMingo by logging in to your account.

Step 2: Go to All videos or your Collection section if you have created any.

Step 3: Now, you will see all your videos. Choose the video which you want to share. At the bottom of each video, you will see options to Share, Add to Collection, Download, Direct URL, Download Video Thumanial, and Delete. Click on Share Button. See the image below.

Step 4: Once you click on the Share option, a dialog box will appear with three different share options: Inline Embed, Pop-Over Embed, and Share Link. Copy the Embed code you want to use and past it where you want. See the image below for reference. 

This is all for this tutorial. If you have any questions related to Share & Embed feature, please contact support via email.