StockBreeze has millions of Stock Images which you can use in different ways. In our HD Images section, you can find images and also Edit those images.

In this tutorial, I am going to tell you how you can use the Image Editor step by step.

Step 1: Open the Find HD Images Page. You will find multiple images. Search for the image you want.

Step 2: After this, you need to take the Mouse Cursor to that image and you will find five options: Edit Image, Meme Creator, Remove Background, Download, and Add to Favourite. You need to click on the Edit Image option. See the image below.

Step 3: Once you click on this, a separate image editor will open. In this editor, you will see various options like Adjust, Effects, Filters, Orientation, Crop, Resize, Watermark, Shapes, Image, and Text. See the image below.

Step 4: After editing the image, you have the download option. You can download this image and use it further.