Royal Stock has millions of Stock Images which you can use in different ways. In our HD Images section, you can find images and also Edit those images.

In this tutorial, I am going to tell how you can use the Image Editor step by step.

Step 1: Open the Find HD Images Page. You will find multiple images. Search for the image you want.

Step 2: After this, you need to take the Mouse Cursor to that image and you will find five options: Edit Image, Meme Creator, Remove Background, Download, and Add to Favourite. You need to click on the Edit Image option. See the image below.

Step 3: Once you click on this, a separate image editor will open. In this editor, you will see various options like Adjust, Effects, Filters, Orientation, Crop, Resize, Watermark, Shapes, Image, and Text. See the image below.

Step 4: After editing the image, you have the download option. You can download this image and use it further.